The bubble space tent on the surface of Pluto. Yes, it really does have a sense of the unclear about itself. And you can track the faint heartbeats of celestial planets. At the outer edges of the solar system. They do not show up as bright as you wish them to do. You have to know where to find these dark aspects. They are beyond what is rational thought or explanation. Pluto may seem cold and desolate. But truth of diversity is more clearer, than mortal sounds or words. It takes many light/dark years for autism to get to earth. That place called WRONG PLANET.
Sir Markus Furiae.
This planet isn't their planet. It's ours as well. By saying "Wrong Planet," isn't it as though we are conceding that it's their planet and not ours? We were born here as well. Though the mainstream, the Allistics, want to wipe us out. We're living in a world where EVERYTHING indicates to us, from the moment of our birth, that we shouldn't even EXIST. Though we don't feel disordered, or wrong. It's only later that the complexes set in, as well as the severe depression. It's not due to being an Aspie that we feel this way. We were born feeling special, knowing who we were. We have to regain that nature, reconnect with it once more, be in tune with ourselves, and make sure no one else ever gets harmed.