Monday, 16 July 2012


I am suprised to find that Goth is slowly moving, into newer and more maturer directions.  But let's not forget the past.  The past must stay with us, or we'll end up losing our way.  We must also visually focus on what is truthful, in the Gothic world of music/fashion/art etc.  Goth must also learn to accept smaller, and minor groups.  Groups such as the disabled, as well as Aspies and Auties.  I bet there are a number of Bi-Polar Goths, out there too.  Goth can sometimes slither, into the most obscurest of places.  And what about Otherkin Goths?  They surely must exist on this planet somewhere? 

Then there are those that just adore, looking at Gothic females.  I'm talking about us guys that like looking at pics, of our most adorable creatures of the night.  We could call ourselves The Gazable Goths.  It would have to be something very very catchy.  Or we could just be The Dark Cats Appreciation Society.  Who knows?  Or even The Platonic Gothic Female Society.  I know that I am one guy, that loves looking at images of female Goths in black boots.  As long as they are the right sort of Goth boots.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! This blog is amazing. I'm Aspie too, and Gothic! Otherkin is something I embrace and deeply respect as part of Aspie heritage. Seeing blogs like this, written by other Aspies, really inspires me and makes me proud. Aspies have gone through a lot and Neurodiversity is the next frontier of civil rights. Hopefully the next generation of Aspies will be able to retain their innocence and be who they are without fear, abuse, and discouragement. Thank you. I will continue to be a faithful reader of your blog.
